Data Landscape Report

Unparalleled Visibility into Your Data

The Metadata-Hub Data Landscape Report provides organizations with unparalleled visibility and insights into their data assets across all storage environments, including the cloud, data centers, and edge devices. This comprehensive report empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimize storage utilization, and unlock the full potential of their data. 

Optionally, insights from the Data Landscape Report can be seamlessly integrated with data movers and orchestration tools, enabling automated execution of data tiering, migrations, and archiving based on the valuable insights provided by the report. This enables businesses to optimize their storage investments, reduce unnecessary expenses, and maximize the value of their data assets.

Key Features:

Unified Data View: The report offers a centralized, global view of all data assets, regardless of their location, enabling organizations to understand their entire data landscape at a glance.

Data Distribution Insights: Gain valuable insights into how data is distributed across different storage systems, including cloud storage, on-premises data centers, and edge devices.

Storage Utilization Analysis: Identify storage inefficiencies, redundant data, and opportunities for optimization, helping organizations reduce costs and improve resource allocation.

Data Growth Trends: Monitor data growth trends over time, enabling proactive capacity planning and ensuring that storage infrastructure keeps pace with business needs.

Data Value Assessment: Evaluate the business value and criticality of data assets by combining file system metadata with embedded metadata, providing deeper insights into the context and significance of each dataset. This enables organizations to prioritize data management efforts and investments based on the true value of their data, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and in alignment with business objectives.