Unleash the Power of Your Cloud Data with MetadataHub

Cloud storage offers scalability but often leads to inefficiencies, such as data staying on expensive performance disks, creating silos due to multiple storage systems, and a lack of visibility across your storage environment.

Transform your cloud storage from a cost center into a strategic asset. MetadataHub harvests metadata, including embedded metadata, creating a decentralized metadata repository that provides content and contextual insights for all your unstructured data. This comprehensive metadata acts as a dynamic proxy for cloud data, offering full transparency into what is stored without needing to recall or move files. MetadataHub can be queried, provision the metadata to downstream applications, and its reporting feature can provide a 360-degree view of all unstructured data assets. Critical insights are always at your fingertips, driving faster decision-making, enhancing collaboration, and maximizing the value of your cloud storage investments by getting as much data as possible onto the most cost-effective storage tiers without sacrificing accessibility.

MetadataHub Transforms Your Cloud Data Management:

Instant Visibility and Access

  • Unified view across cloud and on-premises storage (CIFS/NFS, S3)
  • Access critical data insights without file recalls, reducing time from hours to seconds
  • Break down silos created by multiple storage systems with deep content and context awareness
  • Make informed decisions with rich metadata insights and reporting

Accelerate Discovery and Collaboration

  • Locate files based on content and context, not just names
  • Enable self-service data access across teams
  • Eliminate unnecessary data transfers between storage systems
  • Prepare your data for AI and machine learning initiatives with structured metadata

Intelligent Data Management

  • When combined with HSM and data orchestration software, MetadataHub adds a new level of intelligence to optimize data tiering and archiving, reducing storage costs by up to 30%
  • Reduce high-performance storage needs by up to 1000x
  • Enhance data governance with improved visibility into data lineage and usage

Cost Optimization

  • Move data to the most cost-effective storage tiers without sacrificing accessibility
  • Minimize expensive file recalls from cloud storage
  • Potential savings of tens of thousands of dollars per PB annually

Seamless Integration

  • Works with existing data movers and orchestration tools
  • Scales to manage billions of files across hybrid and multi-cloud environments
  • Supports rapid, efficient growth as your data expands

Easy Implementation

  • Deployed as a Docker container, ensuring minimal disruption to existing workflows
  • Quick setup and integration with your current storage infrastructure

Ready to optimize your cloud storage?

Contact us today for a demo of MetadataHub and start transforming your data management strategy